08 January 2013
In Malaysia Twitter Political Index, I didn’t show legend for the chart because it is ugly. And I don’t feel like I want to make an effort to style it. Plus, when you hover on the chart, it will show tooltip with details. So I figured, there’s no need for legend.
But, not everyone will hover. They will get confused. I looked at Twitter Political Index, no legend too, instead it just shows the tooltip, I decided to do the same.
It’s not hard to figure out, all I had to do was google for it :P I found my answer in this forum (or you can fiddle it here).
I just need to loop the series
to get to the last point and refresh tooltip with the points.
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {...},
credits: {...},
title: {...},
xAxis: {...},
yAxis: {...},
tooltip: {...},
legend: {...},
plotOptions: {...},
series:{...}}, function(chart){
// Last point in graph...
var points=[];
for(var i=0;i<chart.series.length;i++)