21 November 2012
In SAYS, we use capistrano-gitflow in our deployment recipe. It provides us with tagging and logging workflow. Made our life easier.
Currently I’m working on one of our client’s project. It require us to deploy on heroku. I would love to use the same deployment workflow that we use in SAYS. My initial plan was to write simple rake task to tag and push to heroku. Of course, I googled it up first, see how others approached deployment on heroku.
Most solutions that I found are using production/staging branch. Which is not what I wanted. That’s when I stumbled upon heroku_san. I remember reading about it but didn’t bother to test it out. There’s a good tutorial here. But I don’t use CI for this project, so I simplify it a bit.
I added tag to heroku.yml for production stage, staging remains the same.
tag: staging/*
Then I just paste from the example to heroku.rake, I removed ci from STAGES.
STAGES = %w[staging production]
def create_and_push(stage)
auto_tag = AutoTagger::Base.new(stages: STAGES, stage: stage, verbose: true, push_refs: false, refs_to_keep: 100)
tag = auto_tag.create_ref(auto_tag.last_ref_from_previous_stage.try(:sha))
sh "git push origin #{tag.name}"
task :before_deploy do
sh "git fetch --tags"
task :after_deploy do
each_heroku_app do |stage|
namespace :autotag do
desc "Create an autotag for stage, default: #{STAGES.first}"
task :create, :stage do |t, args|
create_and_push(args[:stage] || STAGES.first)
That’s it. rake staging deploy
will deploy to staging, then tag it with staging/datetime
. rake production deploy
will deploy anything tagged as staging/\*